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Erasmus Centre for Entreperneurship


Privacy Statement Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship B.V. (ECE)

Last updated: 03 May, 2024

In this privacy statement, we inform you about the use of your personal data when you visit the website and use our services. For example, you can read about the purposes for which personal data is processed, how you can exercise your privacy rights and other information that may be important to you.

Who are we?

Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship B.V., hereinafter ECE, is a leading international centre for entrepreneurship education and research. ECE is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

Protecting your personal data is important to us. When using your personal data, we act in line with privacy legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In addition, ECE has a Data Protection Officer (DPO), Marlon Domingus. The DPO can be reached via

Why does ECE process personal data?


ECE may process personal data for various purposes. For example:

  • In order to contact you when you fill in the contact form;

  • To process your registration when you sign up for an initiative, event or training; and

  • When we work together to carry out research or one of our international projects.

We only process personal data if this is necessary to achieve the purpose. We do not use automated decision-making or profiling when providing our services.


ECE uses cookies to make the website work. When you visit our website, we process your personal data with these cookies. You can read more about the use of cookies in the cookie statement.

GDPR basis

ECE may only use personal data if there is a reason to do so. The possible reasons are referred to in the privacy legislation as legal bases. ECE processes personal data for various legal bases.

If you leave your information in our contact form, we will use this information on the basis of consent. This means that you give us permission to use your personal data to answer your question. If we use your data on the basis of consent, you can always withdraw your consent. You can let us know you want to withdraw your consent by sending us a message.

Other legal bases on which ECE uses personal data are, for example, that we need the data to perform the agreement you have entered into with us.

ECE may also process personal data on the basis of a legal obligation, such as because this is necessary to comply with tax legislation. Or on the basis of a legitimate interest, such as the business interest in being able to offer our activities. ECE offers various activities that can only be carried out by using your personal data. Providing your personal data is not mandatory, but may mean that we cannot offer the activity to you.

What personal data is processed by ECE?

Different personal data may be necessary for different purposes. If ECE collects and uses your personal data, it is usually because you have contacted us yourself. And in doing so, you have given information about yourself. For example, your name and contact details in the contact form, so that we can contact you. If you participate in a training program, we may also process personal data such as the organization where you work and other personal data that is necessary to process your application.

If you have any questions about which personal data is processed for a particular activity, please contact us!

With whom will my personal data be shared?

On behalf of ECE, third parties may provide certain parts of the service for the execution of an agreement. ECE then makes agreements with these parties to ensure confidential and careful handling of personal data. These agreements are contractually laid down in so-called 'Data processing agreements'. If parties are located outside the European Economic Area (EEA), additional and appropriate safeguards will be put in place.

Your personal data will not be rented or sold to other parties. If we receive your personal data from another party or share it with another party, you will be informed about this.

ECE provides personal data to enforcement authorities or anti-fraud organizations when this is necessary to comply with a legal obligation. And, because ECE is part of EUR, personal data may be shared with EUR under certain circumstances if this is necessary for the provision of our services.

How long will the personal data be stored?

ECE does not store personal data any longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data was collected. ECE may also be obligated to retain data for a certain period of time, as this is required by tax and employment laws.

What rights do I have as a data subject?

As a data subject, you have various rights under the GDPR. You can exercise these rights via EUR's Digital Desk.

For example, you have the right to know whether your personal data is being processed. If this is the case, you can ask us for access to this personal data. If the data is incorrect, you have the right to ask us to amend, supplement and restrict its use. You can also ask us to delete the data or transfer it to a third party. Finally, you can object to the processing of your personal data.

Giving and withdrawing consent

If the use of your personal data was based on consent, you as a data subject always have the right to withdraw consent for the use of your personal data. The processing of your personal data prior to the withdrawal of your consent will then remain lawful.


Do you have any specific questions or comments about our privacy statement as a result of this information? Please feel free to contact us. You can use the contact form on the website or send a message to our Privacy Officer via

Do you disagree with how ECE uses your personal data and we can't work it out together? Then you always have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA).

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